
What Ultherapy® Treatment Can Do For You

As you age, the skin and tissues on your face, neck, and chest can begin to sag and develop fine lines and wrinkles. While surgery (such as a facelift) can help remedy these imperfections, many patients do not like the idea of going under the knife or the risk of looking overdone. Ultherapy® is a revolutionary treatment that uses ultrasound energy to lift and tighten the skin and underlying tissues on the face, neck, and décolleté to give you a naturally rejuvenated appearance.

What Causes Sagging and Wrinkles?

Collagen is a protein that helps give your skin and other tissues their strength and structure. After the age of 20, your body produces about one percent less collagen each year. As this process occurs, wrinkles become deeper and more permanent, and your skin becomes loose. Other factors, such as sun damage and lifestyle choices, can exacerbate these signs of aging.

What Is Ultherapy® and How Does It Work?

Ultherapy® is a non-invasive treatment that tightens tissues using ultrasound. Ultrasound has traditionally been used for medical imaging, but Ultherapy® utilizes ultrasound therapy to lift the skin. Focused ultrasound waves are delivered to the layers of the skin, where it will be most beneficial. The sound waves cause a thermal reaction, coagulating the tissues in the treatment area and stimulating the body’s natural healing response, and therefore, collagen production. All of this is accomplished without the need for incisions, surgery, or scarring.

The Ultherapy® Procedure and Recovery

There is no special preparation needed before your Ultherapy® session. Your skin will be cleansed, ultrasound gel will be applied, and the Ultherapy® handpiece will be placed against your skin. The ultrasound imaging function of the device will first be used to visualize the layers of your skin where treatment will be most effective. The focused ultrasound will then be delivered to the depth where it is needed.

You may feel a heating or tingling sensation while the machine is working, and it may be recommended that you take an over-the-counter medication beforehand for your comfort. Treatment of the face and neck typically takes between 60 and 90 minutes to complete, and application on the chest usually takes about 30 minutes.

What to Expect After Ultherapy®

There is no downtime associated with Ultherapy®. Once your appointment is over, you can return to your regular activities. Your skin may be slightly red or flushed, but this should resolve within a few hours. You may also experience some slight swelling or tingling. These side effects are usually mild and temporary.

Some patients see results immediately after their appointment, but most will notice that their skin continues to improve over the next few months. Most will only need one treatment session to achieve their cosmetic goals, although multiple sessions may be recommended depending on the extent of correction necessary.



If you are interested in Ultherapy® and want to find out more, contact North Florida Aesthetics by calling (352) 331-7077 or by filling out our online contact form today to schedule a consultation.
