What are neuromuscular blockers?
Neuromuscular blockers, Botox®, Dysport® and Xeomin® are acetylcholine release inhibitors and neuromuscular blocking agents indicated for the temporary improvement in the appearance of moderate to severe lines.
Who can administer neuromuscular blockers?
The state of Florida has deemed the administration of neuromuscular blockers a medical procedure that the Board of Medicine regulates. Under this regulation a Physician, Nurse Practitioner or Physician Assistant are lawfully allowed to administer these injections.
What is a neuromuscular blocker procedure like?
It is a simple ten minute treatment that consists of a few tiny injections. Kim Cupp, ARNP will develop a customized treatment plan with you, to decide your individual areas of need. Your face and expressions are unique! The goal is to enhance your natural beauty without taking away from your individuality.
Is the procedure painful?
No, Kim Cupp, ARNP specifically purchases the smallest needle available in order to provide the most accurate injections and the most painless procedure possible.
Do I need to take time off from work to recuperate?
No, Kim Cupp, ARNP can administer a few tiny injections during a lunch break.
When will I start to see results?
Typical results are seen one week after injections. Additional treatments may be required in order to obtain desired results. Our office will schedule you for a touch up treatment one to two weeks after initial treatment.
How will neuromuscular blockers affect my facial expressions?
Kim Cupp, ARNP takes the time to evaluate your individual expressions so that the effects of a neuromuscular blocker doesn’t take away from your natural unique look but rather leave you with a refreshed less tired appearance.
Who should not receive a neuromuscular blocker?
Neuromuscular blockers are not recommended for pregnant or nursing mothers due to the fact that clinical studies have not been performed on this group of subjects. Neuromuscular blocking agents are also not advised to be used on people with peripheral motor neuropathic disease or neuromuscular junctional disorders such as ALS, myasthenia gravis or Lambert-Eaton syndrome.
What about Xeomin®?
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently approved this new botulinum toxin type A product to treat severe frown lines or “11’s” between the eyebrows. Xeomin was already FDA approved for use in adults with cervical dystonia and blepharospasm. Cervical dystonia is characterized by abnormal neck pain and movements, and blepharospasm is marked by abnormal, involuntary blinking or spasm of the eyelids. Xeomin is manufactured by Merz Pharmaceuticals, and has been used by more than 84,000 people worldwide. It is now approved for use in 20 countries. Like other drugs in this category, Xeomin works by paralyzing wrinkles. It blocks the signals from the nerves to the muscles. As a result, the targeted muscle cannot contract.
What is the difference between Xeomin®, Botox®, and Dysport®?
Botox, Dysport and Xeomin have a lot in common, but they also have some important differences. Unlike its predecessors, Xeomin does not need to be refrigerated. This may be an advantage when it comes to distribution. What’s more, Xeomin is “naked.” There are no additives — just botulinum toxin type A. This may lessen a patient’s likelihood of developing antibodies to Xeomin. When your body senses a foreign invader, it responds by creating antibodies and launching an attack. If this were to occur with a neurotoxin such as botulinum toxin type A, it may not have its desired effects.