2021 News

Votiva™, the ultimate solution for Feminine Revitalization!

What is Votiva™?

Votiva™ by InMode is a nonsurgical, non-invasive procedure for feminine health issues that takes 20-30 minutes and has zero downtime.

Women who wish to tighten their vagina and labia, reduce dryness, enhance vaginal muscle tone and control, boost sensation during intercourse, and reduce stress urinary incontinence can often benefit from Votiva™ treatments.

How does Votiva™ Work?

Votiva™ uses up two complementary technologies to address your specific health and wellness concerns. Votiva™ with the FormaV handpiece, gently and uniformly heats the treated tissue, remodeling the internal vaginal tissue, reducing external vulvar laxity, and reduces pain along with tightening the pelvic floor muscles. For more pronounced external laxity, Votiva™ with the Morpheus8 handpiece is used to remodel the tissue.

What can I expect?

During a treatment, a small wand is applied to the problem area, and delivers safe and effective heat. Votiva™ uses radiofrequency (RF) technology, which helps to stimulate the fibroblasts that affect skin regeneration and are responsible for collagen production. During treatment, the uniform heat is applied to the internal vaginal canal and external vulvar tissues. Votiva™ is performed in-office in less than 20 minutes, and no anethesia or sedation is necessary. Patients do not experience any pain; only a pleasant, warm feeling. There is no recovery or downtime. Patients may resume all physical activities, including intimacy. Patients begin to see improvement immediately with continued results over the following weeks.

Typically 3 treatments are recommended at monthly intervals.


It’s been two weeks now that I’ve had Votiva done, and I can see a noticeable improvement across the board. I’m really excited about the results thus far.” 

-Kelly, age 56


Introductory Pricing

$999 per treatment

Receive 20% OFF when you purchase 3 treatments!*


If you have any more questions you can always give us a call 352-331-7077!


*Restrictions apply. Limited time offer only.
Alexandra Rodriguez