Skin Resurfacing

Now introducing Skin Resurfacing

Aging, sun damage, acne, and scarring can give your skin an uneven texture and cause fine lines and wrinkles to appear. These effects can make you look tired and older than you are. Skin resurfacing treatments are performed to remove the outer layers of damaged skin and encourage the growth of new skin cells and the production of collagen. Here at North Florida Aesthetics, we offer several types of resurfacing procedures that can be tailored to your needs and provide you with fresher, more youthful skin

Ideal Candidates

Candidates for skin resurfacing procedures are in good health and are concerned with poor skin texture. You should be in good health and be free from any active skin infections. Candidacy for specific procedures will be discussed with you during your consultation.

Treatments Offered


Dermaplaning is a safe, effective way to remove layers of dead skin cells and fine vellus hairs on the face. A surgical scalpel is gently scraped across your skin to exfoliate and give you a smoother, softer complexion. This treatment also gives you a smoother canvas for makeup and allows your skin to absorb products more easily.


Microdermabrasion is a non-surgical procedure that removes the top layer of skin and stimulates new cell growth. It is painless, requires little to no downtime, and can be completed in about an hour. Microdermabrasion can help address fine lines, wrinkles, sun damage, minor pigment problems, large pores, and uneven skin tone. Afterward, your skin will be moisturized. Patients may return to their normal activities as long as they employ proper sun protection (use sunscreen and avoid prolonged sun exposure).

Venus Viva™ NanoFractional RF™ Skin Resurfacing

This treatment uses radiofrequency energy to create micro-wounds in the skin, improving collagen production and encouraging cell turnover. Venus Viva™ is safe for all skin tones, even darker complexions, and involves minimal downtime. Patients may return to their daily skincare routines within 24 hours.

Chemical Peels

Sun damage, fine lines, wrinkles, and pigmentation issues all make you look tired and aged. Chemical peels use acidic chemical solutions to remove layers of damaged skin, encourage new cell growth, and provide you with a brighter, clearer complexion. Chemical peels are available in different strengths to address a variety of concerns.

Recovery and Results

Most of the skin resurfacing treatments offered here at North Florida Aesthetics require little to no downtime. Your skin may be sensitive to the sun after some procedures, so be sure to wear sunscreen and avoid prolonged exposure. You will be given any other aftercare instructions as needed. Certain chemical peels require a few days of recovery to allow the skin to heal.

All resurfacing treatments can provide you with smoother, brighter, more youthful skin. Maintenance sessions may be recommended to prolong your results.

Treat Yourself for Skin Resurfacing


Skin resurfacing treatments are safe, effective ways to achieve healthy, radiant skin without the need for an invasive procedure.

Little to no downtime

Encourages the growth of new skin cells

Provides a naturally rejuvenated appearance